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Chasing Sacred

Discernment Guide

Discernment Guide

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Discernment is a skill that engages our hearts, minds, and actions as we consider what a person believes and the implications of it. It's a slow process of considering the content, the words, and the actions of a teacher and holding all of them up against Scripture. 

In this guide, I offer five questions by which we can test a resource, book, website, or teacher. These questions revolve around the essential Christian doctrines--not just a specific denomination's beliefs or values. There is nuance and room for disagreement around secondary or tertiary issues, but these five questions are essential to historic, biblical Christianity. 


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Learning to Lament

In this interactive study, journey with us through the book of Lamentations and the Psalms of Lament. Each writer has walked through a valley with Jesus– and in turn, we’re able to shed light on some of the beauty that He brought forth from our ashes.

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