Chasing Sacred exists to equip women and local churches with sound doctrine and practical tools for their walk with God. Using the Inductive Bible Study method, you will be equipped to study the Bible in context and rightly apply it to your life. We do this through the products in our shop, free digital resources, blogs tackling life’s hardest questions, and emails where we dive deeply into theology. At the intersection of life’s most painful and joyful moments, we always meet you there with the refreshing truth of Scripture.

  • Mikella Van Dyke | Founder

    Mikella Van Dyke is a wife, mother and the Founder of Chasing Sacred, ministry that provides resources to help women study the Bible and grow closer to God. What began as a devotional blog became an organization with a team of writers who produce theologically rich Bible Study resources. As she studied for her MA in practical theology at Regent University, she fell deeply in love with the process of hermeneutics and wanted to spread her knowledge and love of the Word to others. She also serves at her local church, Hope Fellowship in Jaffrey, NH where she co-leads as the Director of Women’s Ministries—which includes teaching Bible studies and mothers of preschoolers.

  • Stephanie Wilcox | Content Director

    Stephanie is an avid tea drinker, thrifter, and reader. In high school, she began to study Scripture with deep curiosity and was met with a depth of beauty that has held her captive since. Four years in Bible College deepened a love of the Old Testament and theology into a passion that she delights to share with other women through teaching and writing. She and her husband and three children enjoy participating in and serving the body of Christ together. In the constant pursuit of delight in the Creator, you can most often find her outside with her kids, with bare toes in the grass, hiking, or pulling weeds out of her mediocre garden. Connect with her at or on Instagram @stephaniee_wilcox

  • Emilee Kurt | Creative Director

    Emilee is a wife, writer, and creative that loves drinking coffee, keeping the home, studying Scripture, and playing Catan with friends! Emilee loves partnering with Christ-centered clients using her gifts in graphic design and marketing. Her favorite book of the Bible is 1 Peter, and being rooted in strong theology is central to all she does. She equips women through local discipleship, coaching at With The Shepherd, hosting conversations on the Abundantly podcast, and she is always, always writing! Connect with her on Instagram @emileekkurt

  • Kate Brown | Editor

    Kate lives with her husband and four children in central Pennsylvania where her husband is a pastor. Kate enjoys leading women's Bible studies at her church and is passionate about helping women dive deep into Scripture to increase their knowledge of who God is. Recently, she has really enjoyed learning about discipleship and how we as women can live that out together to build up and strengthen the Church. Her favorite thing about studying Scripture is drawing connections between the Old and New Testament, showing that the Bible is one great and glorious story of salvation. When she's not chasing her kids around outside, she loves reading great books, writing, baking, playing the guitar, and discussing the Bible and theology with her husband. 

  • Erin Quillen | Writer

    Erin is a follower of Jesus, a Pennsylvania native, an executive assistant, and an iced americano enthusiast. Her ideal Saturday is one spent hiking, visiting friends, or sitting at the counter of a local café with a book and a pastry. In writing, discipleship, and local church ministry, her desire is for women to understand the gospel’s implications for the whole of life, to know the hope of Christ, and to find Him sufficient in every season. Erin has an M.A. in Biblical Studies from Lancaster Bible College. You can find her at and on Instagram @erinquillen. 

  • Maggie Guthrie | Writer

    Lover of Jesus, her high school sweetheart, and their 6 energetic and adorable kiddos (5 of which are boys!). Most summer days she can be found exploring New Hampshire and Maine beaches, or cozying up by a fire during the long New England winters. Maggie's love of writing began as a little girl and has only flourished in the surrender of her pen (or computer keys!) into the Lord's hands. Her greatest desire and vision would be an open heart and mind that might reflect the heart of the father in all that she writes. In Maggie's spare time she enjoys singing and playing the guitar. 

  • Lara d'Entemont | Writer

    Lara d’Entremont is first a wife to Daniel and a mom to three little wildlings. While the wildlings snore, she designs websites and edits for a variety of writers, but her first love is writing—whether it be personal essays, creative nonfiction, or fantasy novels. She desires to weave the stories between faith and fiction, theology and praxis, for women who feel as if these two pieces of them are always at odds. She is the author of A Mother Held, a collection of creative essays on motherhood and anxiety. You are welcome to visit her online home at

  • Brooke Adams | Intern

    Brooke enjoys playing volleyball, basketball, and soccer! She also is interested in pursuing graphic design in college. She chose to partner with Chasing Sacred to be a part of the amazing women’s ministry that Chasing Sacred seeks to continue. Brooke has been loving the opportunity to create graphics using her creative side and learn more about the marketing aspect as well!

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Our Story

It all started when I could not dance anymore. I went off to New York City to become a professional dancer. I had recently met my husband and was doing the audition circuit. I would spend every day standing in long lines of around 1,000 people with a number. We would all be stretching in hallways, small spaces, crammed together, awaiting our chance to prove that we should be picked for the company. This was everything I had dreamed about and more, except for the constant rejection which ate at my self-confidence. I wanted to choreograph for a dance company and to live in the city for the rest of my life. My world turned upside down when I got married. I felt so hopeless, newly married, pregnant, and unable to do the very thing that gave me life. The closest city was an hour and a half away, and there were no opportunities nearby. Plus, this was the first time I had lived in a small town in America. Growing up as a missionary kid in Thailand made it almost impossible to feel like I could fit in culturally speaking. I began to post on Instagram what I was learning in my quiet time every morning. I would spend hours and hours in the Word and post about what I was learning. My Instagram slowly grew, and I began to teach what I was learning to those around me. At that time, I realized I did not have all the knowledge I wanted, so I enrolled in Bible College and began pursuing a Masters in Theology. One of my first classes was Hermeneutics, the Study of Biblical Interpretation! In this class, I realized that most churches were doing us a disservice by giving us video studies, or teachings done by others but not giving us the TOOLS for doing Bible Study ourselves. 

In this class, I learned what Inductive Bible Study was, and it was because I took this class that our Bible Study Journal was born! This slow-down method of studying scripture was life-changing for me and I knew I had to help more Christians be able to study like scholars in their homes, small groups, and local churches. 

Thank you for being here and mining the treasure of Scripture with us.