The cross, and Christ’s complete work of atonement there, is the foundation of all we cling to and profess in our faith.
Journey to the Cross offers a reading plan and twenty devotionals to aid you in the study of Christ’s journey to the cross. Dwell on the glorious mystery of God’s plan to redeem and restore his children, to call the lost home, to save the sinner, and give sight to the blind.
He’s offered this gift of grace to all who believe in Him—to you!

The Journey
Christ’s final week of ministry ushered him into Jerusalem amongst praise and exaltation as the city joyfully greeted him with shouts of “Hosanna in the highest”. But the same crowd clamored for his death less than a week later. He rode into the city on a donkey with his twelve disciples joyfully following him. He ended the week betrayed and abandoned by most of them. He began the week heralded as king, and ended it tried as a criminal.
The most historic week in the history of the world was one of great rejoicing and greater sorrow. But God’s stories never end without victory—for we serve not a criminal but the resurrected King of kings.

Pursue Spiritual Growth
As believers and disciples of Christ Jesus, the resurrection is our daily grace and the reality we live in moment-by-moment. Our hearts are turned to the real hope that we have in the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior. The cross, and Christ’s complete work of atonement there, is the foundation of all we cling to and profess in our faith. Our celebration ought to be cloaked in thoughtfulness, meditation, Scripture study, and great rejoicing.

Chasing Sacred Together
Our resources at Chasing Sacred help you to focus your ‘quiet time’ so you can be fully present during your ‘quiet time’– soaking in the depths of God’s love.
We’re here to help you make the most of your time reading the Word. Whether you have hours to read, or just a few moments in between nap times– this Step Up Your Bible Study Journal will teach you how to study the scriptures for yourself.
Step Up Your Bible Study Journal is our number one resource for getting closer to Jesus.
Step Up your Bible Study

Women's Inductive Bible Study Journal
The Step Up Your Bible Study Journal acts like a bridge. It provides a sturdy passageway for us to exit the shores of our current situation, cross over a rushing river of to-do lists and anxieties– and then step out onto the solid ground of His Truth.
We’ll walk you through the basics of how to read God’s Word in-depth by explaining the significance of Biblical genres, how to uncover contextual clues, as well as engaging in thought-provoking questions to strengthen your understanding of the text.

Study Like a Scholar
Broken down into a step-by-step process that’s simple, yet very rewarding, to follow– this Bible study journal will actually teach you exactly how to study God’s Word for yourself. Our goal is that you will be fully equipped to dive deep into any book of Scripture.
You’ll learn how to read the text in its original context, piecing together the clues about the culture and historical setting of that time.
From there, you’ll learn how to interpret your findings and draw your own conclusions. Finally, you’ll be able to take a step back and look at the text in its entirety. Now you can pray for discernment about how to best apply the Biblical lessons to your life.
This process is called Inductive Bible Study. It’s a method that’s actually taught at seminaries, helping us to interpret the Bible accurately and in-depth.

The Secrets of the Process
A deeper dive into the Inductive Bible Study steps:
Observe: Steep yourself by taking a look around the Biblical setting. Who was the author? What was happening during this time period? You’ll learn the tools of theologians uncovering the mysteries of the culture and context of the time.
Interpret: Take a deep dive into the waters of His living Word. Then, dive deeper still with questions like, What do these observations mean to the audience? What do they mean to me? Let your questions guide you into greater understanding of the text.
Apply: Let the Holy Spirit guide you into a richer relationship with God through His Word. Allow the truths of Scripture to sink deep into your heart and give you the strength to continue onward in this walk of faith.
The Step Up Your Bible Study Journal is perfect to study individually, or you can do it with friends! It’s intuitive enough for even brand-new Bible readers. It has brought our time in the Word to life, and we pray that it blesses you too.