Meeting You at the Intersection of Life's Hard Questions and the Refreshing Truth Found in Scripture


Gospel Hospitality - By Katie Noble

Gospel Hospitality - By Katie Noble

My husband’s ministry job moved us 3 hours away from our families at the height of the 2020 pandemic. After much prayer and grief, we packed up our two very...

Gospel Hospitality - By Katie Noble

My husband’s ministry job moved us 3 hours away from our families at the height of the 2020 pandemic. After much prayer and grief, we packed up our two very...

Jesus, Our Calm in the Storm - By Guest Writer Sarah Koch

Jesus, Our Calm in the Storm - By Guest Writer ...

  When I was younger, I used to dream of jet-setting around the world, not living somewhere for too long, and chasing after the big joys in life. After all,...

Jesus, Our Calm in the Storm - By Guest Writer ...

  When I was younger, I used to dream of jet-setting around the world, not living somewhere for too long, and chasing after the big joys in life. After all,...

Trusting the Lord with Our Children's Salvation - By Lara d'Entremont

Trusting the Lord with Our Children's Salvation...

Neither of my parents are believers or ever have been. Yet my mother believed it was important for me to go to Sunday school, and so she faithfully sent me...

Trusting the Lord with Our Children's Salvation...

Neither of my parents are believers or ever have been. Yet my mother believed it was important for me to go to Sunday school, and so she faithfully sent me...

Faith In Dry Seasons - By Kate Brown

Faith In Dry Seasons - By Kate Brown

As you walk the journey of the Christian life, there are times where you’ll experience flourishing growth. You’re in the Word regularly, excited about spending time in prayer, enjoy fellowship...

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Faith In Dry Seasons - By Kate Brown

As you walk the journey of the Christian life, there are times where you’ll experience flourishing growth. You’re in the Word regularly, excited about spending time in prayer, enjoy fellowship...

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Learning to Love Prayer - By Guest Jessica Mathisen

Learning to Love Prayer - By Guest Jessica Math...

Nearly three years ago, I moved from a town I lived in for over ten years—about a third of my life at that point—to a neighboring town of where I...

Learning to Love Prayer - By Guest Jessica Math...

Nearly three years ago, I moved from a town I lived in for over ten years—about a third of my life at that point—to a neighboring town of where I...

Who Are You Trusting in For Sanctification? By Lara d'Entremont

Who Are You Trusting in For Sanctification? By ...

It happened again—another angry meltdown over something insignificant. But it wasn’t one of my children who had the angry meltdown. It was me. I paced my bedroom with the door...

Who Are You Trusting in For Sanctification? By ...

It happened again—another angry meltdown over something insignificant. But it wasn’t one of my children who had the angry meltdown. It was me. I paced my bedroom with the door...